
My English Learning Journey

I started to learn English in primary school. It seems like a long time till now but English was just a subject among many others. I just needed to remember some grammar rules and certain vocabularies which were required by the syllabus. So, English was actually not for communication purposes at that time and not may chances to use it as a actual language.

Things got changed when I came to Singapore. English became the primary language and most lessons were taught in English. I worked hard for a while. However, I was under the pressure of O level and I got many other subjects to worry about.Thus my focus was not fully in English. As for the last two years, I actually paid a lot of attention on General Paper, but on its content and not the language. Actually I realized that my grammar and my sentence structures had many mistakes but I thought good content could help me to make up. However, now I realize that I can never escape from the language as it is the platform of my ideas and without good platform my ideas could never be presented well.

Now I look back to my years of English learning, I think my biggest problem is that I never enjoyed essay writing and reading in English. I only write essays when it is absolutely necessary and I rarely read English articles other than school readings. Now being in this course, I hope I can do more English writing and reading as practice. By the end of this course, I hope I can use more proper English in essays and maybe find some interest in writing.
